Eurovision! by Chris West


Eurovision Chris WestFinally, Eurovision! by Chris West is, according to the subtitle, ‘A History of Modern Europe Through the World’s Greatest Song Contest’. West goes on a whirlwind year-by-year tour placing Eurovision in the social and political context of the time, starting in 1956 during the Suez crisis all the way through to the Brexit developments in 2019 in the updated edition of the book published this year. Given that only a handful of Eurovision entries over the years have remained genuinely famous, it can be difficult to fully appreciate the descriptions of the more obscure performances and songs referenced in the book without seeing or hearing them, although West says almost all of them can be found on YouTube. The cultural elements such as the eventual dominance of the English language are particularly interesting, as is the development of “political” voting and the recent efforts to dilute the impact of that. Overall, although some of the reflections between the Contest and modern European history are a bit tenuous to say the least, this is nevertheless an entertaining look at the arc of European integration ahead of the end of the transition period.

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